So long, farewell, until we meet again…

I have been doing a lot of thinking recently, shocking I know, and I’ve come to the difficult decision that I will be discontinuing Not Your Average Gypsy.

This is something I’ve been considering for the last month or so and I believe it has to be done.

I love blogging and I was so excited to really focus on it this year. But, that’s exactly the problem! This year is going to be CRAZY for me (in a good way) and I’m really having to sort out my priorities. First and foremost of which is starting my business. A venture that is proving to take most of my attention at the moment and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Don’t be sad though because I’m not!! I’m excited!

One of my dreams is becoming such a reality that it’s taking up the majority of my free time! How awesome is that!?

I won’t be disappearing from the scene completely so if you want to keep up with my adventures be sure to follow me on my other social media profiles.

Tumblr- Rebellion On A Black Horse

Instagram – jessnell_lazy_fr

Twitter – @JessNell_LazyFR

And as a bonus! My Snapchat – jnharvey92

It has been fun attempting to run this blog and I hope at some time in the future I can return to the blogging world! Unitl then; work hard, chase dreams and most importantly ~ refuse to blend in!



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